The first ms pulsar discovered at Bologna

The first new millisecond pulsar discovered with the Bologna survey was detected and confirmed early in 1999 as PSR J0030+0600.

Original discovery record for PSR J0030+0600

This pulsar appears to be strongly scintillating at 70cm. The relevant pulsar parameters are P=4.86ms, DM=4.3 cm-3pc

Follow up observations made recently at Parkes with the 21cm multibeam receiver improved the position, so we now quote this pulsar as PSR J0030+0452 (+/- 3 arcmin error)

Timing observations are in progrees at Bologna and Parkes. A partial timing solution was obtained over a data span of a couple of months with an rms of about 80 microsec, showing that this pulsar is probably single

Dynamic spectra at 70cm were also recorded at Parkes recently, in order to measure the scintillation parameters.

Last Updated 20-Ago-1999