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Physics Department

Complesso universitario di Monserrato
SP Sestu-Monserrato km 0.7
I-09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy

Cagliari Astronomical Observatory

Località Poggio dei Pini
Strada 54
I-09012 Capoterra(CA), Italy

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Construction status of the Sardinia Radio Telescope

Descrizione: C:\Users\damico.OA-CAGLIARI\Desktop\Web\photo-archive.jpg

Photo Archive

The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) is a new general purpose, fully steerable, 64-meter parabolic antenna of the National Istitute for Astrophysics (INAF). It is currently under construction in Sardinia, in the Pranu Sanguni area, 35 km far from Cagliari, the Sardinia capital city. Having several focal positions and large frequency coverage, SRT is conceived as a modern and versatile instrument. The project, designed for Radioastronomy, Geodesy and Space Science applications, is founded by the Italian Mininstry of University and Research, by Italian Space Agency, and by the Sardinia Regional Government, and it is part of a large program of scientific and technological development in Sardinia. In the following you can see some pictures from the construction site.

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Some impressive pictures of the construction (Click on each image to enlarge)

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